Workshops Archive

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Archive 2018

TBD :-)

Archive 2017

Crashed wiki... sorry... no archive

Archive 2016

Crashed wiki... sorry... no archive

Archive 2015

Smashing With Dinos

Doskop will give a workshop on IO.smashthestack for noobs and beginners.


  • Learn how to spot and exploit vulnerabilities in C programs



When: 11th of September 2015 Food: 18:30 Start: 19:30!
Where: The space ->
What will we do:

  • Exploitsz!

Who will be there from RD

  1. junk
  2. Ardillo
  3. themba

Open hackerspaces day NL: 28 March 2015

A yearly event (also in "Nederlands" :-) ). We are preparing some classes/presentations. If there is more information available, read it here.


  • Learn how to solder
  • Arduino 101, start to learn electronics and microcontrolers
  • Demo how to crack a wireless home-alarm system
  • 3D printing, think, design, print!
  • Introduction to hackerspaces


When: 28th March, from 12:00 till 20:00 (may-be later)
Where: The space ->
What will we do:

  • Give you the chance to hack and play with electronics, 3D printers, etc
  • Demonstrate some of our projects

Who will be there from RD

  1. Fish_
  2. Fishjunior_

Archive 2014

UvA Alfa presentations of research: 24 January 2014

Randomdata started 2 research projects together with the students of the OS3 study. This session will present the (first) results of the research.

Start session: 19:00
Where: Randomdata, the studio if it's busy

RIPE Atlas traceroute data

RIPE Atlas (and other services) provides an excellent way to measure all sorts of data on the Internet. A feature that is currently underused is the analysis of traceroute data. The data from these traceroute experiments can provide some valuable insights especially if they are aggregated. The aggregated data can provide insight to possible anomalies in the network, such as:

  • Filtering
  • Eavesdropping
  • Man in the Middle attacks
  • Or simply routing policy changes

The goal of this project is to make the data from traceroute experiments easier to analyse, and to think about creating possible specific analyses that can be done with that data.

Research student: Todor Yakimov <todor.yakimov=>>

Data Map

The recent revelations on the NSA and other secret services have shown that your data in the US may not be that safe. While it has been in the papers, people do not seem very alarmed. Randomdata is cooperating with NRC Next to create a platform to increase awereness for normal people, The goal is to allow people to easily:

  • see where is your email
  • see where are websites
  • drop in "emails" and analyse the MX records to see what happened on its route
  • Give a better answer what is happing with your data
  • Firefox plugin to map (on the world) where website data is coming from

The goal of this project is to analyse what kind of data sources regular Internet users use, how to figure out where that data would be, and how to present this in a user-friendly way to provide them more insight.

Research students: Thijs Houtenbos <mathijs.houtenbos=>> and Sharon Gieske <sharon.gieske=>>

Who will join?

  1. Fish_
  2. JeroenH
  3. Sharon
  4. Mathijs
  5. Todor
  6. Wilco
  7. AK47
  8. Haxor[3]
  9. Vesna(not confirmed)
  10. Zirro
  • PLZ Add yourself

Arduino introduction workshop: 17 January 2014

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Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.
It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
We (Randomdata) are using the platform a lot to do our fun projects. Why? It's easy, quite cheap, cross platform, extendable etc.

The Workshop details

When: Friday 17 January 19:00-21:30, food at 18:00
Where: The space
Who: Fish_ & ?Ardillo?
On this workshop we will do:

  • Introduction to Arduino, what is, how, etc
  • Arduino extensions:
  • Sample projects
  • DIY Arduino basics or build a stripduino on a breadboard yourself

Stuff you need:

  • Everything what's cool and we don't have
  • Laptop with windows/linux/osX with USB port

Who's attending?

Max 8 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

  1. Fish_
  2. Ardillo
  3. Iris
  4. Friend of Iris
  5. Fiona
  6. Haxor 1
  7. Haxor 2
  8. Haxor 3
  9. Please contact [email protected]


Archive 2013

30C3 Chill-out Party: 30 December 2013

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It's the last day of CCC (Chaos Communication Congress) and we have chosen this day to chill at the space and follow some videostreams of ccc.
When: Monday 30 December from 11:00 ---> 2013 indeed :D


  1. Fish_
  2. Ardillo

NetSPLIET Party: 29 December 2013

Because we can.... haXor Rspliet is back for a few days, time to party!
When: 29 December 2013 from 18:00


  1. Junk
  2. Ardillo
  3. Rspliet

Trinket 0xMas workshop - 21 december 2013

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Make your own christmastree or try to make an arduino do christmas songs. You can do this in our 0xMas special workshop. Always wanted to program your own microcontroller based on an arduino? Join our workshop. We aim for the younger fellow hackers or people who want to start with a simple microcontroller project.

For this workshop we use a special kit which we collected. The official price is to be announced but shall be around the €20,-

We use this kit to explain some of the basics in electronics so it's more or less obligatory.
see here for a more in depth introduction: project: 0xchristmas

The workshop details

When: Saturday 21 december 12:30 - 17:00
Where: The space
Who: Fish_ & Ardillo
What will we do:

  • Introduction to Arduino
  • Introduction to Trinket
  • DIY Arduino/Trinket basics

What you need to bring:

  • Laptop with Mac/Windows/Linux with USB port

Who's attending

  1. Ardillo
  2. Fish & Julius
  3. Martijn & Jur
  4. Sander (& evt broertje)
  5. Maxigas
  6. Please contact [email protected]

Introduction to DNSSEC - 22 Nov 2013

Knowing that you have the right DNS data is becoming more important in this day and age of eavesdropping. DNS SEC can prevent some forms of cache poisoning and other DNS attacks. It also provides some cool new possibilities for DNS. In this workshop I will give an introduction to DNSSEC, how it works, and what it can and can not do.

The Workshop details

When: 22 Nov 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start workshop
Where: The space
Who: Jeroenh
Language: Dutch/English What do you prefer?

Who's attending?

Max 8 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Guests are kindly asked for a donation for the space (approx 1 till 10€)

  1. Presenter: Jeroenh
  2. Fish_
  3. Ardillo
  4. zkypmeisterflex
  5. lecock (nonmember)
  6. gjv (nonmember)
  7. inferno (nonmember)
  8. marty(nonmember)
  9. kahits (thru skype)
  10. [com]buster

FULLY BOOKED! Sparelist:

  1. Add yourself

Home Automation, in's and out's - 15 Nov 2013

Nowadays you can control your home in many ways, doors, camera's, heating/airco, windows, etc etc. During this presentation an expert on home automation will tell us how it works, what you can do and show us some real example's.

The Workshop details

When: 15 Nov 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start workshop
Where: The space
Who: Enver Tanriverdi
Language: Dutch

Who's attending?

Max 8 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.

  1. Presenter: Enver Tanriverdi
  2. Fish_
  3. Ardillo
  4. Jeroen
  5. Petersgriddle (maybe with add. guest)
  6. [com]buster
  7. Please add yourself

Please leave your name if you would like to attend, Prio on #randomdata people's, guests are kindly asked for a donation for the space (approx 1 till 10€).

Arduino introduction workshop: 8 November

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Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.
It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
We (Randomdata) are using the platform a lot to do our fun projects. Why? It's easy, quite cheap, cross platform, extendable etc.

The Workshop details

When: Friday 8 November 19:00-21:30, food at 18:00
Where: The space
Who: Fish_
On this workshop we will do:

  • Introduction to Arduino, what is, how, etc
  • Arduino extensions:
  • Sample projects
  • DIY Arduino basics or build a stripduino on a breadboard yourself

Stuff you need:

  • Everything what's cool and we don't have
  • Laptop with windows/linux/osX with USB port

Who's attending?

Max 8 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

  1. Fish_
  2. Henk
  3. Sooz
  4. zufanka
  5. Ardillo (off course)
  6. TheMechanic
  7. Bert Bakker
  8. Giegie Liem.

FULL!!! Please contact [email protected]


Java Classloaders - Standards-compliant code injection: Tuesday 5th November

One of my latest java gadgets - to modify java code on the fly. How it works and what you can do with it, and maybe some hands-on experience. slides and source code


When: Tuesday November 5th 2013 19:00-21:00, food at 18:00
Where: Randomdata
Who: [com]buster
Needed equipment: Bring a laptop with a Java Development Kit installed.

Who's coming?

  1. [com]buster
  2. Fish_
  3. Ardillo
  4. Jacco

Please leave your name if you would like to attend Prio on #randomdata people's, guests are kindly asked for a donation for the space.

3D Printing driving license - 01 October 2013

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3D Printers rule the world, but how are they working? And how to use them?
In this workshop we will tell you how to get started.
What the do's and dont's are and we will arrange a few printers (incl Randomdata's Mendel90) to play with.


By who: Harmless
When: 01 Oktober 2013 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start workshop
Needed: Laptop
Language: Dutch

Some example's what to learn/do during this workshop:

  • What is a 3D printer?
  • Hardware/Parts in the 3D printer
  • Software
  • How to print?
  • I broke it, how do I fix it? :D
  • Print your own 3D Printing Driver license! (3DPL) \o/

Who's coming?

Max 10 persons

  1. Harmless
  2. Junk
  3. Fish
  4. Ardillo
  5. [com]buster
  6. iTdeal
  7. Abouttheroute

Response: Telling non-techy's about simple password attacks - 10 Sept 2013

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Ardillo and Fish_ are giving a presentation to non-techy's about multiple technical subjects.
One of the subjects is PW & login attacks for dummy's.
This session we will do a replay of the presentation and the results of the attendees their response.
Slides + notes:[1]

Some of the subjects: - Attacking the SAM on windows - Bruteforcing and rainbowtables - DMA attacks - MITM


By who: Ardillo and Fish_
When: 10 September 2013 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start workshop
Where: The space

Who's coming?

Max 10 persons

  1. Fish
  2. Ardillo
  3. jeroenh
  4. combuster

Drones: ideas, pitch and hands-on - 16th July 2013

Some rights reserved by Ars Electronica [2]

Slides [3]
Movie: [4]

An actual subject in the news and around the world. Drones. You can use them for anything. The most common and most spoken task is surveillance and executing military tasks. But they can be used to deliver pizza's, taco's and even medicines as well. And yes... they are actual being used for those tasks at the time of writing.
So the goal of this evening is to talk about the subject drones, mostly about the technics and a bit about ethical use but that's not the major focus of the evening. The speaker will provide some information about the possibilities and will give a demonstration what is possible. There is also a hands-on simulator to give you the experience what it feels like to fly a drone without any intelligence.
The evening is also being used to measure the enthousiasm to build a RandomDataDrone (RaDD), when build properly this drone can be used as a platform for other projects.

The Workshop details

When: 16th July 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start workshop
Where: @space RandomData
Who: Ardillo
Language: Dutch/English (depends on attendees)

Who's attending?

Max 8 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.

  1. Presenter: Ardillo
  2. Deathtje
  3. Fish_
  4. junk
  5. RSpliet
  6. [com]buster

Please leave your name if you would like to attend, Prio on #randomdata people's, guests are kindly asked for a donation for the space.

Sniffing and manipulating Local Area Networks - 5th of July 2013


It's difficult to cover the whole subject in one single sentence so the title is probably a little unprecise. The presentation will be about ARP Man-In-The-Middle-Attacks, DNS-Poisoning, traffic redirection and what you can do with it when combining them all.

When : 5th of July 2013 - 18:00 Time to eat 19:00 Start of workshop/presentation
Where : Hackerspace Randomdata, Utrecht
Who : Ruben Unteregger (Der Schweiz)


  • Categorizing traffic
  • Sniffing DNS
  • Sniffing HTTP (Password and sessions)
  • Redirecting connections
  • Intercepting connections - HTTP(S) reverse proxies
  • HTTP response injection - *.exe injection, request redirection
  • What's to come in future releases ...

Who's coming?

  1. Der Schweiz
  2. Fish_
  3. Ardillo
  4. [com]buster
  5. Deathzor
  6. Perzik
  7. Splieterdespliet
  8. JeroenH

RIPE Atlas probes at hackerspaces - 7th of June 2013

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Slides of this session: With your help, the RIPE NCC is building the largest Internet measurement network ever made. RIPE Atlas employs a global network of probes that measure Internet connectivity and reachability, providing an unprecedented understanding of the state of the Internet in real time.

The Workshop details

When: 3rd june 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start workshop
Where: The space
Language: English

Speakers Bio

I have six hands with which I am juggling my six roles: mother, hacker/activist, lover, expat, Ms Measurements, lecturer

For my work, I moved to Amsterdam from Belgrade, in 1999. At RIPE NCC, I was a trainer for 12 years, teaching ISPs around Europe and world about how Internet is governed and built, talking about DNS, IPv6, BGP, IETF, ICANN... Last 2 years I am a Community Builder around measurements and tools that R&D of RIPE NCC builds, that are looking at the stability & quality of Internet around the world.

Before that, during and after, I was an activist & hacker, taking part in Dutch hacker scene (Hippies From Hell) & conferences (HIP97, HAL2001, WTH2005, HAR2009 & OHM2013) and German Chaos Camps (CCC in '99, 2007, 2011); I started by being part on B92 & OpenNet in Belgrade, and part of communities/mailing lists syndicate & nettime. Currently, I am a secretary at the Amsterdam hackerspace: Technologia Incognita.

I have/had 3 children, with my Dutch ex-partner, and I am now "living apart together" with my wonderful love and lover.

I am a Community Builder for RIPE Atlas and member of Technologia Incognita, Amsterdam Hackerspace -- and a friend of many other hackerspaces (see my other workshop at 29c3: My goal is to have one RIPE Atlas probe installed in every hackerspace -- combining work and pleasure.

Who's attending?

Max 8 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.

  1. Presenter: BECHA
  2. Fish_
  3. Ardillo
  4. AK47
  6. Splietjuh
  7. DerSchweiz

Lockpicking 101 and playground by ToooL Eindhoven - 10th of may 2013

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The Open Organisation of Lockpickers (Toool) Eindhoven is coming over to give us a 101 lockpicking and playground.
Walter Belgers will give us the basics and hands-on on lockpicking.

When: 10th of may 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start workshop
Where: The space, so NOT in Eindhoven
Who: Walter Belgers, the founder and chairman of Toool eindhoven.


The plan is to keep the evening "free-format" and we will see what will happen :-)

Who's coming?

Max 10 persons

  1. Walter (presenter)
  2. Fish_
  3. Ardillo
  4. [com]buster
  5. zkypmasterflex
  6. potatomas
  7. žufanka
  8. Furby
  9. RSpliet
  11. Ruben

Please leave your name if you would like to attend, Prio on #randomdata people's, guests are kindly asked for a donation for the space.

Open day, Date 30 March 2013

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Randomdata is opening their doors in a free format way to start some activity's yourself.
We have DIY Activity's from 10:00 till 17:00.
We might do some presentations too. As soon as we have a date we let you know!

Sample Activity's

Keymasters available during the day

Who From Till Does What Keymaster
Ardillo early bitter end Hacker movies, 3D printing, Arduino, Raspberry Pi yes
Keymasters, add yourself!

Archive 2012

BGP and IPv6 with Iljitsch van Beijnum 30 november 2012

BGP and IPv6 expert Iljitsch van Beijnum has been so kind to come to RandomData to give a talk about IPv6 and BGP!

For a lot of folks Iljitsch doesn't need an introduction: For the rest of us:

(Stolen from Ars Technica)

In the late 1990s, Iljitsch worked in the Internet Service Provider business in the Netherlands. 
In 2000, he became a freelance writer and networking consultant. He wrote "BGP," (O'Reilly, 2002)
a book about the BGP routing protocol, and "Running IP6v" (Apress, 2005). Iljitsch
is currently putting the finishing touches on his Ph.D. work at the telematics department at
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) in Spain. He contributes articles about network protocols
such as IPv6 as well as Apple-related topics to Ars Technica. When his iPhone is out of podcasts,
he contemplates writing science fiction one day.

An other small detail: I've learned the basics of BGP using the book Iljitsch wrote, I I'll consider it a honor to have him in Randomdata!


Where: Randomdata space
When: 30 november


To be announced!

Who's attending?

Max 10 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.(and routing nerds :) )
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

Please add yourself to the list.

  1. Abouttheroute
  2. Fish_
  3. Wilco
  4. AK47
  5. MishMash
  6. Eightdot
  7. [Com]Buster
  8. Deathzor

IPv6 introduction with Wilco Baan Hofman 16 november 2012

Wilco Baan Hofman will give a talk about IPv6, how it works, how it can be deployed, how routing works and why IPv4 has been obsolete since 1996.

Wilco Baan Hofman is one of the founders of the spacefed project and currently working on
roaming secure wireless between hackerspaces (spacenet), a standards-based IPv6-only VPN mesh
between hackerspaces (spaceconnect) and creating a hackerspace authentication trust federation
(spacesaml). He is co-founder and treasurer of Bitlair, the hackerspace in Amersfoort. He is
also working in the NOC team for the next big dutch hacker event OHM2013.


Where: Randomdata space
When: 16 november 19:00


Yes we had

Who's attending?

Max 10 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

Please add yourself to the list.

  1. Wilco, obviously!
  2. Da Fish_, what else? :D
  3. MishMash
  4. Eightdot
  5. AK47
  6. Manfred
  7. [Com]Buster
  8. Deathzor
  9. iTdeal
  10. Abouttheroute <- What's a networking workshop without Abouttheroute...


Download the PDF with slides

HITR2NDB 2012 edition

The Workshop details

When: 8 septemberbr> Where: The space plus!
Who: [email protected]
1337 awesome hacker get to gather.
The event is invite only.

Time	Programm	Speaker
13:37	Opening	
14:00 -
15:00	Video Surveillance	Dave van der Poel
15:00 -
15:30	Das...	Der Schweiz
15:30 -
16:00	3D printing Coffeebreak	
16:00 -
16:30	SpaceFED & live connect RD	AK47
16:30 -
17:30	Runtime injection	Blasty
17:30 -
18:00	Linux ELF binary debugging and anti-debugging	Aczid
18:00 -
19:30	F00d - N0m n0m n0m	
19:30 -
20:30	Hiring The Unhirable	Winn Schwartau
20:30 -
Late	Lepak, movies, beer.

Who's attending?

Invited friends


Check the website:
Check the 2011 archibe:

Gaming night(s)

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Gaming has his own page :-) Gaming_night

Lego mindstorms playground: Tuesday 21-02-2012

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Get skill's from the masters who won the HITB Hackerspaces challange in 2011!
In this workshop the 1337 tricks and tips will be announced and afterwards it's time for hands-on!
We have Lego Mindstorm sets available.

The Workshop details

When: Tuesday 21-02-2012, 18:00 /get 0xf00d, 19:00 Start workshop
Where: The space
By Who: 31337 HITB Hackerspaces challange winners
On this workshop we will do:

  • learn how the stuff works
  • use not the default stuff
  • play with Lego mindstorms
  • battle with our bots?
  • more?!

Prepare yourself

  • Bring a laptop
  • Install the lego mindstorms suite [5]

Who's attending?

Max 5 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation. Please add yourself to the list

  1. [com]buster
  2. Fish_
  3. Deathzor

Doc's of the workshop


DIY Amateur radio license & The 21th century Radio - Kickoff 17-01-2012

For alle the updates, please go to Ham_radio

Fish_ and I (Abouttheroute) have been talking about 27mc and amateur radio lately with the goal of setting up packet radio links between hackerspaces both in the Netherlands and worldwide. We have decided to skip the 27mc band and head straight to the "real" amateur radio stuff.

To prefent the space from being raided by the dutch "agentschap telecom" we must start with getting a license, so DIY study time!

At the first workshop day we will:
A: Choose the exam (N / F)
B: How to study / Plan study evening
C: Set a exam date
D: Discuss study details

After we have passed our exams, it's to discuss hardware! We have to build radio's, antenna's, packet modem's etc. So a lot of tinkering to do!

The Workshop details

Starting at 17th of Januari 2012
Where: Le space
Time: 19:00 - 20:00, 18:00 0xf00d
Who: Abouttheroute

Who's attending?

Max 6 persons.

  1. Abouttheroute
  2. Fish_
  3. [com]buster
  4. ctrlsoft

Archive 2011

SC 101: March 18th

IT Security Certifications 101

The Workshop details

SC 101 is een introductie tot de wereld van de IT-security certificaten. Door de snelle ontwikkelingen op het gebied van IT-beveiliging is er meer vraag dan ooit voor gekwalificeert personeel. Een van de manieren om aan te tonen dat je gekwalificeerd bent is door middel van certificaten. Naast ervaring is dit een van de beste maatstafen van je kennis die "meetbaar" is voor anderen. Door de grote vraag aan kwalitatief goede, uitdagende security leerstof is er een wildgroei onstaan aan security gerelateerde certificeringen. Meerdere instellingen spelen in op deze markt en lanceren hun eigen versies van "ethical hacking" of "penetration testing" cursussen. Welke cursussen zijn er? In welke vorm worden deze gegeven? Wat zijn de eisen met betrekking tot voorkennis? Al deze vragen zullen beantwoordt worden tijdens deze presentatie.

Jordy Kersten (MSc. ISC2 Associate, CEH, OSCP) is een security consultant die op dit moment werkzaam voor een van de grotere IT-security organisaties in Nederland. Naast de behaalde certificeringen heeft hij twee jaar werkervaring als ethical hacker/penetratie tester. Hij is gespec-ialiseerd in infrastructuurbeveiliging en webapplicaties. Ook is hij actief als spreker/volunteer bij verschillende security conferenties en schrijft hij stukken over de ervaringen die hij opdoet binnen zijn vakgebied.

Taal presentatie: Nederlands

SC 101 is an introduction course to the world of IT-security certifications. Due to the fast developments in IT-security there is an upcoming demand for qualified personnel. One of the ways to prove that you are qualified is by getting certified. Next to experience, certifications are one of the "measurable" things to prove you are knowledgeable. Because of the high demand of good quality, in-depth knowledge sharing there has become a wild-grow of security related certifications. Multiple institutes react to this market and launch there own versions of "ethical hacking" or "penetration testing" courses. Which one's are available now? Which one's are most desireable? In what form are they lectured? What are the demands to be eligable to start? What the heck are CPE's? All these questions will be answered during this presentation.

Jordy Kersten (MSc., ISC2 Associate, CEH, OSCP) is a security consultant currently employed at one of the bigger IT security companies in the Netherlands. He is specialized as a penetration tester where his working field is infrastructures and webapplications. jNext to his two year experience he has several IT-security related certifications. He is also active as an speaker/volunteer at several security conferences and also writes papers about his experiences within the IT-security field.

Language presentation: Dutch

Who's attending?

  1. Thursley
  2. Fish_
  3. DipSwitch (non-membah)
  4. zkyp
  5. DrWhax (nom-member)
  1. Add Yourself
  1. Okz0r (stowaway) im not gone make it work eg.

Lomo-/Analoge- Photo-graphy: 26 july 2011

It's al about taking different pictures. Not worrying about the quality, composition etc.
Let's make some art! And do it the old-school way!

The Workshop details

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When: 31st of august 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start workshop
Where: The space and let's go outside afterwards
Who: fish
On this workshop we will do:

  • A short introduction 1 h max
  • Make pictures, go on the street!
  • Develope the films (may-be color, otherwise B/W)

Stuff you need: Your very old analoge camera (if you don't have one, contact fish!!!

Who's attending?

Max 6 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

  1. Please add yourself to the list.
  2. Kalola
  3. DrWhax (non-member)

Hack in The Random 2600 NL Data Box: 26th of November 2011

Check for more information )

Archive 2010

Arduino introduction workshop: 2 March

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.
It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
We (Randomdata) are using the platform a lot to do our fun projects. Why? It's easy, quite cheap, cross platform, extendable etc.

The Workshop details

When: Tuesday 2 March 19:00-21:30, food at 18:00
Where: The space
Who: Fish_
On this workshop we will do:

  • Introduction to Arduino, what is, how, etc
  • Breaking the limits of Arduino's
  • Arduino extensions:
  • Sample projects
  • DIY Arduino basics or build a stripduino on a breadboard yourself

Stuff you need:

  • Everything what's cool and we don't have
  • Laptop with windows/linux/osX with USB port
  • USB Cable

Who's attending?

Max 6 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

  • Please add yourself to the list
  • junk (will be there anyway ;))
  • zkyp
  • Youri
  • ETR (bringing own arduino)
  • Marijn (^what he said)
  • Nicolex


Build a overhead projector beamer: 9 March

We will build our own beamer for our hacker movie nights.
When: Tuesday 9 March 19:00-21:30, food at 18:00
Where: The space
Max 4 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.

  • Fish
  • Kahits
  • Thursley
  • junk



Lessons learned

  • an OHP with a "toplight" doesn't work. The light isn't strong enough to pierce through the pola filter. it wil not create an image of your screen!
  • don't remove the pola filter of the LCD, you will break it....
  • don't get the pola filter to close to the lamp. It will melt!

Digital laws by BOF 1: 23 March

read the blog post: BoF blog post

Hacking is fun and sometimes profitable. But what are the rules?
Ot van Daalen and Axel Arnbak of the Dutch digital rights movement Bits of Freedom will talk (in Dutch) about our (NL) laws regarding hacking.
When: Tuesday 23 March 19:00-21:30, food at 18:00
Where: The space (OR move to different location if the space is overcrowded)
Max 13 persons, first come first serve.

  1. Fish
  2. zkyp
  3. Ewald (non-member)
  4. DrWhax
  5. Thursley
  6. MrBodde (non-member)
  7. Youri
  8. Okkie (non-member)
  9. junk
  10. BJ (non-member)
  11. Kahits
  12. phrake
  13. DipSwitch
  14. Penders (non-member)



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Cisco playground 1: 7 April

Cisco playground, build a nice project yourself: Some hardware is available for testing purpose and learning.
When: Tuesday 7 April 19:00-21:30, food at 18:00
Where: The space
Max 6 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

  1. zkyp
  2. Deathzor
  3. fish


  • Cisco routers
    • 1x 2621
    • 1x 2621XL
    • 2x 2610
    • 1x 2500
    • 1x 1600
  • Switches/HUBs
    • 2x Cisco 2924
    • 2x Baystack 24 10/100
    • 2x Hubbie
  • USB to 8x Serial
  • Cisco cables


  • TBA

Arduino playground 1: 13 April

Arduino playground, build a nice project yourself:

  • LEDboard
  • Garduino
  • etc.

Some hardware is available for testing purpose but if you want to own your project you should bring some hardware yourself.
When: Tuesday 13 April 19:00-21:30, food at 18:00
Where: The space
Max 6 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

  1. Ot
  2. Axel
  3. Friend from Ot
  4. zkyp
  5. Thursley
  6. NicoLeX


  • Arduino
  • Laptop with Arduino software (working)
  • USB Cable


LED board building: 24 April

Let's build some blinky blinky stuff!
You can build your own LED board like we did on the Brucon LED war: [6]
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When: Tuesday 24 April 11:00-16:00, food at 18:00
Where: The space
Max 5 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

  1. Fish
  2. Kahits
  3. Doo
  4. Please add yourself to the list


  • Arduino
  • Laptop with Arduino software (working)
  • USB Cable
  • If you have: soldering iron, 3rd hand


Pure-Data Workshop: 14 May

DrWhax will be doing a workshop in Pure-Data. Pure-Data is a realtime visual programming language to do wicked things with audio, visual & graphical processing.
What you need:

  • Headphones! <-- must!
  • Laptop Everything that is Linux! Windows is allowed ;< (DrWhax will bring CC Licensed samples, so no music is needed)

This workshop will be focusing on creating some visuals which reacts on audio.
When: Friday 14 May 19.00-22.00, food at 18.00!


Add yourself

8 people max! Signup fast!

  1. Fish
  2. Deathzor
  3. retrace

DIY IDS: 18 may

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IDS'es and IPS'es can gather lot's of interesting data, this workshop is all about how to install and manage them.
Depending on the progress it could be we will schedule a second meet about writing Snort rules
When: Tuesday 18 may 19:00-21:30, food at 18:00
By who: Fish_
Where: The space
Max 5 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

  1. MrBodde (non-member)
  2. zkyp
  3. junk
  4. Retrace
  5. ZwamKat (non-member)
  6. Thursley
  7. FULL!

There will be a streaming video too, who will follow the stream?

  1. ADD your name to the list


  • Laptop with a VMware (or look-a-like)
  • Debian net-installer 5


Office espionage: 22nd of June

These days it seems that servers and firewalls are properly configured to stop uninvited guests trying to get sensitive information. The question is; Are people aware of all kinds of other physical breaches?

The Workshop details

When: TBA
Where: The space
Who: zkyp
On this workshop we will do:

  • A short introduction
  • Presentation
  • Some games to see if the workshop taught you anything :-)

Stuff you need: A brain which can think out of the box

Who's attending?

Max 6 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

  1. zkyp
  2. Fish_ (let's spy zkyp :p)
  3. junk
  4. DrWhax (non-member)
  5. Retrace
  6. Thursley

Workshop: Linux /usr/bin/bash-ing: 23rd december

How to use a linux shell, bashing with Deathzor ;-)

The Workshop details

  • A Overlay of the Commands
  • instruction on "flaging commands"
  • Basic Shell script
  • Building menus
  • Building Functions
  • Using functions.

Please have access to a linux machine while durning this workshop any remote shell OR VM will do the job.

Who's attending?

Max 6 persons, first come first serve

  1. Fish_
  2. DipSwitch
  3. Retrace
  4. S1a51k
  5. Zwamkat (non-member)
  6. Please add yourself to the list.