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Arduino playground and projects!

  • What: Play with arduino(clones) and see what we can do with it.
  • Status: We ordered some stuff for playing.
  • When: As soon as we have them and we know some more we will do a workshop with them.

14 Segment LED board

A HAR project: Adruino_14_segment_LED_board


A project for Brucon: the Beerduino


A Bonus project for Brucon: the bArduino


The Garduino is a AGF, a Automated Garden Facility


The RFiDuino is a project found by Marco Boon: [1], until now we have some problems with the shield but we are troubleshooting soon.


The RFiD chip of sunmicro is communicating by an I2C connection.
With the Saleae Logic analyser we're going to analyse the traffic and see what's going on.

Solar panel Meter

The Solar Panel Meter is a arduino based volt meter with a solar panel


Lot's of people knows the nabaztag, a wifi rabit with all kinds of options to bring information to your livingroom.

Some of those features can also being done by a *duino with connectivity to the net. We want to build a Arduino with internet connectivity, signals and may-be some ears to create a cheap alternative.

For the basic you need some componants:

  • Arduino
  • Some Flashy blinking leds/lights/objects/etc
  • may-be some servo's
  • connectivity options, we will use the ethernetshield for start but other options for the future will be: Xbee, serial connection, etc.
  • A home for our Arduino, LED's, servo's etc.
  • A web server. Probably we will use the NSLU2, it's low cost and we don't need huge amounts of power.

Work in progress

Arduino NUTS meter

Project for building a meter for Power,Gas and Water.


Work in progress

Some links for Arduino related stuff

  • The official Arduino
  • Were we ordered our second batch:
  • Arduino info from Make Magazine:
    • Getting started movie: [2]
    • Connect a Servo to your Arduino: [3]
    • Make your personal flight recorder: [4]
    • Make Arduino Blog: [5]