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*June 22 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start  
*June 22 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start  
Want to register? Register on our meetup page:
Want to register? Register on our meetup page:
=== Past ==
=== Past ===
Mar 23th 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start. Meetup page:
Mar 23th 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start. Meetup page:

Revision as of 07:45, 25 March 2018


CTF friday's are back!

We have CTF friday! CTF is "Capture The Flag", a hacking competition.

Security skills are in high demand! As the world continues to turn everything into devices on the internet, the demand is only growing, so we decided to teach hacking during CTF Fridays. The main idea is to learn how to play online hacking games and just get better in it and learn hacking :-) We group with some people (max 8) so we can learn from each other.

Some stats:

Some Wargames:

We communicate by IRC: #randomctf

We have a notepad (Sorry for the google):

Are you joining? This is the date schedule, please register before you come due to populair demand :-)


  • April 27th 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start

Want to register? Register on our meetup page:

  • May 25 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start

Want to register? Register on our meetup page:

  • June 22 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start

Want to register? Register on our meetup page:


Mar 23th 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start. Meetup page:


Internationale Open Hackerspace Dag 2018 Zaterdag 31 maart houden hackerspaces in Nederland een open huis, ook Randomdata is natuurlijk ook van de partij!

Hackerspace zijn locaties waar mensen met een technische, creatieve en nieuwsgierige mindset bijeenkomen om te werken aan projecten, elkaar te ontmoeten en te praten over onderwerpen die hen interesseren. Tijdens de open dag is het mogelijk om zelf te ontdekken wat hacken inhoudt en te zien wat er allemaal mogelijk is in een hackerspace. Tipje van de sluier? Iemands verbeeldingskracht is de meest beperkende factor!

Iedereen is welkom om een kijkje te komen nemen tijdens deze jaarlijks terugkerende open dag. Vanaf 11:00 uur ‘s ochtends zijn de deuren geopend en om 17:00 is het dagprogramma afgelopen. Sommige hackerspaces blijven ‘s avonds geopend. Per hackerspace zijn verschillende presentaties te zien van de individuele projecten die in die hackerspace worden uitgevoerd.

Enkele voorbeelden van geplande activiteiten zijn:

Leren hoe kwetsbaar systemen zijn en wat daar aan gedaan kan worden. Kennis opdoen over de juiste bescherming van je privacy en persoonsgegevens. Zelf 3D-printen of solderen. Een introductie tot Linux (neem hiervoor je laptop mee). Een introductie tot Arduino of Raspberry Pi.

Hackers vinden ethiek belangrijk, daarom wordt er binnen de hackerspaces gesproken over hoe hackers proberen de wereld te verbeteren door kritisch en fris naar de maatschappij, techniek en organisaties te kijken en kennis te delen. Daarnaast zijn hackerspaces plekken waar mensen komen die mooie, grappige en creatieve dingen maken. Een plek onder gelijkgestemden waar ze welkom zijn en waar zij een gemeenschappelijke ruimte, gereedschappen en informatie kunnen delen. Een plek die inspiratie geeft!

Aanmelden voor de open dag is niet nodig, het wordt wel op prijs gesteld als pers zich vooraf meldt en de privacy van de aanwezigen respecteert. Are you joining? This is the date schedule:

  • Mar 31th 11:00 Open, 17:00 closing
    • Who? (If you don't have a wiki account please contact fish@ the domainname of this site)
  1. fish_

In the pipeline

SIEM (Security Log Analayses): TBD

All our servers, workstations, firewalls, IPSes, routers, etc are creating a bunch of log's but what can we do with it? Log corelation is one interesting way to handle them. This workshop will give you some hands-on on OSSIM (Open Source Security Information Management)

Needed for this session:

  • Laptop
    • with VM-WAR(EZ) ;-)
    • Enoughy mem to handle 3 VM's (min 4 GB)
    • Network connection (no Wireless)


  • Introduction
  • What is interesting to know
  • What are the sources
  • What is your goal
  • Hands-on


When: TBD food at 18:00, 19:00 Workshop
Where: The space
Who: Fish_
What do you need:

  • bring your laptop, WITH network interface

Who's attending?

Max 6 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

  1. Fish_
  2. Rio
  3. Ardillo
  4. Please add yourself or contact [email protected]


HI all: Bad news: I'm nullrouting my packets at this moment, I fear I've gotten a mayor cold, so I'll be in bed with some oranges and a cup of thee tonight. I'm also starting a new job on friday, so I can't take any risk in letting this cold grow worse..

( Sorry to let you all down, and I'll reschedule asap, and first mate on me for the inconvenience :)

Abouttheroute does what he likes best: Talking about the routes! In this workshop we will focus on the basics: what is BGP, where is it used, some basic LAB's etc.

If appreciated by the crowd: An advanced session can be arranged on a later date.

Date will be somewhere in the end of November.

Update: Please all install GNS3 on your laptops on forehand!! Labs will be provided on session!!


When: 18th of January 2013, 0xf00d 18:00, workshop start: 19:00 Where: Randomdata space
Who: Abouttheroute Needed: Laptop with IP running

Who's coming?

Max 10 persons

  1. Abouttheroute duh
  2. Fish_
  3. Maltimore
  4. MishMash
  5. Deatzor
  6. AK47
  7. Ardillo
  8. Yids
  9. Hark

Please leave your name if you would like to attend Prio on #randomdata people's, guests are kindly asked for a donation for the space.

Topics requested

If you have any (beginners) BGP topics you would like to discuss during this workshop: suggestions are welcome :)


Please write down your requests here, don't forget enough details and your name

[REQUESTED] Arduino Workshop for beginners

Friends of jeroenh have expressed an interest in an Arduino for beginners workshop. There are about 5 who expressed an interest. Date setting is not their forte, so we should just set a date and see how many show up. I feel there is enough interest from the rest of the community also.

[REQUESTED] Workshop/Seminar Software-defined networking

I'm not even sure if this is the right place to request such a thing, but he! I can try, right? So what is Software-defined networking all about? I've been reading about this subject for a bit and the subject just doesn't land. It's still too abstract for me. I might have been reading the wrong papers but I prefer to learn interactively. So is there anybody else who wants to learn about Software-defined networking? Let fan out and find someone who is prepared to do a workshop on this subject. Suggestions?


We can organize "something" with one of our partners/sponsors, they are expert in visualization, does that ring a bell?

Abouttheroute: *update* I've talked to one of the european DC guys, and he is willing to give us a talk about Cisco's vission on SDN. He is not a programmer/hacker/nerd, but more an architect, but very good at that.

Any takers?

Gaming night(s) next TBD

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destinationError creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Check the Gaming page :-) Gaming_night

  1. Please add yourself to the list if you are interested.

Build your own camera

Every body has one, isn't it a dedicated camera then it's one in your phone, ipod, etc.
In this session we will bring you back to the old days, the days when it al started: 1816.
We will build a real pinhole camera and test it. Afterwards we are able to test it and scan our pictures.

The Workshop details

File:Pinhole1.jpg File:Pinhole2.jpg
When: NEW DATE SCHEDULED SOON 18:00 0xf00d, 19:00 start workshop
Where: The space
Who: fish
On this workshop we will do:

  • A short introduction
  • Build a pinhole camera
  • Use the camera
  • Develope the films (may-be color, otherwise B/W)

There can be some small costs for the material, more info later.

Who's attending?

Max 8 persons, first come first serve with priority on members.
Non-members will be kindly asked for a donation.

  1. Please add yourself to the list if you are interested.
  2. iIsh_



  1. CTF friday's are back!


  1. CTF friday's are back!


Lost due wiki crash


Lost due wiki crash


  1. Workshops_Archive#.28D.29DOS4Dummies:_19_December_2014
  2. Workshops_Archive#OpenWRT_workshop:_8_november_2014
  3. Workshops_Archive#Sniffing_introduction_class:_10_October_2014
  4. Workshops_Archive#Hack_In_The_Random_2600_NL_Data_Box_2014:_Uber_edition_.28INVITE_ONLY.29.3D
  5. Workshops_Archive#3D_printing_demo_.22Maliekwartier_binnenste_buiten.22:_20_September_2014
  6. Workshops_Archive#Hack in The Box / Haxpo 28 tm 30 May 2014
  7. Workshops_Archive#Media training/workshop voor hackers: 11 April 2014
  8. Workshops_Archive#PC Assembly for beginners: Tuesday 29 April 2014
  9. Workshops_Archive#Open_hackerspaces_day_NL:_29_March_2014
  10. Workshops_Archive#WOB_presentation.2Fworkshop:_21_March_2014
  11. Workshops_Archive#Arduino_introduction_workshop:_14_March_2014
  12. Workshops_Archive#OpenCV_101:_15_February_2014
  13. Workshops_Archive#UvA_Alfa_presentations_of_research:_24_January_2014
  14. Workshops_Archive#Arduino_introduction_workshop:_17_January_2014


  1. Workshops_Archive#30C3_Chill-out_Party:_30_December_2013
  2. Workshops_Archive#NetSPLIET_Party:_29_December_2013
  3. Workshops_Archive#Trinket_0xMas_workshop_-_21_december_2013
  4. Workshops_Archive#Introduction_to_DNSSEC_-_22_Nov_2013
  5. Workshops_Archive#Home_Automation.2C_in.27s_and_out.27s_-_15_Nov_2013
  6. Workshops_Archive#Arduino_introduction_workshop:_8_November
  7. Workshops_Archive#Java_Classloaders_-_Standards-compliant_code_injection:_Tuesday_5th_November
  8. Workshops_Archive#3D_Printing_driving_license_-_01_October_2013
  9. Workshops_Archive#Response:_Telling_non-techy.27s_about_simple_password_attacks_-_10_Sept_2013
  10. Workshops_Archive#Drones:_ideas.2C_pitch_and_hands-on_-_16th_July_2013
  11. Workshops_Archive#Sniffing_and_manipulating_Local_Area_Networks_-_5th_of_July_2013
  12. Workshops_Archive#RIPE_Atlas_probes_at_hackerspaces_-_7th_of_June_2013
  13. Workshops_Archive#Lockpicking_101_and_playground_by_ToooL_Eindhoven_-_10th_of_may_2013
  14. Workshops_Archive#Open_day.2C_Date_30_March_2013


  1. Workshops_Archive#BGP_and_IPv6_with_Iljitsch_van_Beijnum_30_november_2012
  2. Workshops_Archive#IPv6_introduction_with_Wilco_Baan_Hofman_16_november_2012
  3. Workshops_Archive#HITR2NDB_2012_edition
  4. Workshops_Archive#Gaming night(s)
  5. Workshops_Archive#Lego mindstorms playground: Tuesday 21-02-2012
  6. Ham_radio
  7. Workshops_Archive#DIY_Amateur_radio_license_.26_The_21th_century_Radio_-_Kickoff_17-01-2012


  1. Workshops_Archive#SC_101:_March_18th
  2. Workshops_Archive#Lomo-.2FAnaloge-_Photo-graphy:_26_july_2011
  3. Workshops_Archive#Hack_in_The_Random_2600_NL_Data_Box:_26th_of_November_2011


  1. Workshops Archive#Arduino introduction workshop: 2 March
  2. Workshops Archive#Build a overhead projector beamer: 9 March
  3. Workshops Archive#Digital laws by BOF 1: 23 March
  4. Workshops Archive#Cisco playground 1: 7 April
  5. Workshops Archive#Arduino playground 1: 13 April
  6. Workshops Archive#LED board building: 24 April
  7. Workshops Archive#Pure-Data Workshop: 14 May
  8. Workshops Archive#DIY IDS: 18 may
  9. Workshops Archive#Office espionage: 22nd of June