HP un2400
This page is about the HP un2400 Mobile 3G Network Adapter, which is running on a Qualcomm Gobi chipset. My HP Compaq Mini 701ED has this 3G module in it's belly.
The chipset runs fine under MS windows XP, where HP has made some nice drivers and software programs for. But problems arise when you want to get this chip running under Linux or the latest Windows 7. And that is excactly what I will be doing.
Windows 7 Support
This will be short, the card will work with Windows 7 Build 7077. Install the HP Connection Manager, the driver (Multi-WWAN HP) and install HP Wireless Assistant. If you have completed installing all the above, just do like you normally do. Connect using the Connection Manager, it will give an error. Fine.. Now.. Set up dialup networking, connect to this phone number, if you have Tmobile NL, *99#. And there you go, your netbook is HSPA connected to the internet on the latest Windows... I will get into more detail soon, posting links to the excact packages..
You'll have to install some driver stuff into your kernel, copy some firmware from the windows driver and run the script that I will be posting here soon. The card will even work on Linux, but remember, it's Alpha quality!