12-1-2009 Available: Fish, Kahits, Kalola Fish is opening the meeting 1900 and Fish and Kahits are talking about other hackergroups in the Netherlands.
- 2600NL started in the end of 2008 but hasn't been very active yet. Fish had some contact with them an he will attend one of their meetings soon (if they accure).
- Puscii, an Utrecht hackerspace which is homeless. They are interrested in the activity's of Randomdata and they offer the use of a room in one of their private spaces.
- Klaphek, unknown status, no contact yet.
Fish and Kahits are talking about the mission and the vission of Randomdata, we want to build a community but we also want to have a space were the community can work on projects and organize evenings.
Fish did some research on locations:
- Sophies kunstprojecten, an organisation who are supporting artists, he had sent an email to explain our situation and see what is possible
- Parnassos, a organisation which have some rooms for rent, there is only oné problem, you need a subscribtion to them and the max. amount of introduces is only one.
- Café het Weeshuis, they have a very nice cellar, only it's free for use if you consume for more then 500 euro's. In the future the owner will change, may-be there are still some options then.
Logo: Kalola explains her idea's and show them to Fish and Kahits. We agree for the black/green one and we will put the logo online.
Statutes and bylaws, Kahits will find out what statutes he already have. Fish will find out what we can use of other hackerspaces, for example HacDC. Also discussion about the kind of organisation has started, pro's and con's and the responsibilities of the board. Fish and Kahits will find out what kind is prefferable (also about insurrance)
Bank, most of the banks are asking for a KvK number so we need to register first before we can open an account
Subjects: ongoing, dump them on the wiki
- The [email protected] account will be forwarded to all the board members, also kahits will get his own account.
- The wiki wil be live within 2 weeks.
The meeting is closed at 2100